While the project was amazing at for developing my skills and ability to think on my feet and most importantly, forcing me to get out and actually take photos, the one thing that was left wanting was the time to thouroughly develop ideas. I was very excited to complete the project so that I would be able to put the time and effort into creating and planning. The truth however, is that I'm a horrible procrastinator and haven't been doing that as much as I'd like. And that's why I'm starting a new 365 project.
This won't be the same type of photo-a-day project though. The goal of this project is to do something everyday that works toward builing my photography- shooting, editing, sketching out a concept, builing a prop, location scouting, doing research on an idea, reading something relevant, working on building my photography business, etc. I want to push myself to develop and I know myself enough to know that I won't do that if I can put it off. To have some sort of accountability I'll be posting my work for the day over on my new Tumblr.
I figure that since I'm starting this with the new year I might as well make some goals. I've never really been one to make goals for myself other than to do the best I could, but since I feel I need some direction I'll set just a couple general ones that I can add to and edit as I go along. Since I'm setting this up so free I need some sort of guidelines to push me.
I figure that since I'm starting this with the new year I might as well make some goals. I've never really been one to make goals for myself other than to do the best I could, but since I feel I need some direction I'll set just a couple general ones that I can add to and edit as I go along. Since I'm setting this up so free I need some sort of guidelines to push me.
Complete a book of short stories, poems, and wonders told through photos.
Exhibit in at least 3 galleries
Have at least 5 photos on book/album/etc. covers
Have at least 5 photos on book/album/etc. covers